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Feng Shui Nobleman Star Talisman Amulet To Attract Powerful Mentors Qui Ren 贵人

RM 39.00
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Material: Metal

Size (LxWxH/cm): 4.5 x 0.3 x 4.5, 10cm

Featuring the Gui Ren Talisman on one side and the mirror with Wish-Granting mantra on the reverse, this exquisite Nobleman Star Talisman is believed to enhance one's benefactor and provide support from someone influential. It is also a powerful tool to stimulate one's financial luck and usher in joyous events for the family.

It is highly recommended to carry this auspicious talisman with you or in the heaven star #6 sector to maximize the power of the #6 Heaven Star, so that you can attract all the best opportunities and obtain support from wise and helpful mentors.

This talisman plaque is particularly helpful for those who are eager for career success, goodwill from others, or funds from investors, or who are dealing with bureaucracy, or who need to deal with people in power bravely!

Carry this Feng Shui amulet which features the Gui Ren Talisman and the Wish-Granting Mantra to activate this Star that helps make challenges become small and easy to overcome, and successfully achieve your aspirations and goals.

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